Introduction Good Fat/Oil 
Oil is an ingredient present in all our daily meals. That’s why it is important to make sure the cooking oil you use is healthy. Like most foods, oils contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats. Healthier oils offer mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat.

A Guide to Cooking with Fats and Oils

Some fats and oils can be used when cooking over high temperatures, while some are better suited for use over low or no heat. The following guide lists preferred cooking oils, their smoke points, and their best uses.

Truth behind cholesterol

Are you interested in knowing the truth behind cholesterol? The truth is



Essential Guide for Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Food is information, not just calories. Food influences gene function, hormones, your immune system and even your gut flora. Literally, food controls every function within your body.This is especially true with the omega-3 fatty acids.


Action-1 Change Your Cooking Oil

Evidence shows that refined oil high in omega 6 fat is associated with inflammation so we need to shift from refined oil to unrefined cold press oil. Always choose Extra virgin oil.

Use Following oils

  1. Ghee,
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Peanut(મગફળી) oil
  4. Extra virgin Olive oil
  5. Rice bran oil
  6. Avocado oil  
  7. Sesame oil

     Avoid Following oils

  1. Canola oil (rapeseed oil)
  2. Corn (મકાઇ)oil
  3. Sunflower oil
  4. Vegetable (વનસ્પતિ) oil
  5. Safflower oil  
  6. Soybean oil  
  7. Cottonseed(કપાસિયા) oil  
  8. Grapeseed oil

We offer a free 15-minute consultation to help you better understand our approach and to see if it is a fit for you. This consultation is a chance for you to discuss some of your key health goals and concerns.

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