Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and sugar imbalances are two common conditions that often occur together and can have a significant impact on a woman’s health. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that causes Estrogen dominance, affects up to 10% of women of...
TSH is the hormone produced by your pituitary gland to control the function of your thyroid gland. High TSH value suggests that you have an underactive thyroid gland. There are so many controversies regarding the normal level of TSH. According to the National Health...
Functional Medicine approach help to reverse Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Prostate cancer is common, and a frequent cause of cancer death in India and worldwide. Early detection may be an important tool in getting appropriate and timely treatment. Men with prostate...
How to Diagnosed Leaky Gut Syndrome Your Gut is a hollow pipe and the Lumen of this pipe is an external world. Your gut is naturally semi-permeable to small particles (micronutrients), that pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream. It’s how you...
Magnesium is known as a mineral for “inner peace” and also as the “power mineral”. No other vital substance makes us resilient to stress and calms our nervous system while simultaneously providing us with endurance and energy as magnesium From the point of view of...
Flaxseeds, sometimes called linseeds, are small, brown, tan or golden-colored seeds. Flaxseeds are a great source of dietary fiber; minerals like manganese, thiamine, and magnesium; and protein. It is one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids....
Chia seeds are the edible seeds of Salvia Hispanica, a flowering plant in the mint family. They are mottle-colored with brown, gray, black, and white. It is rich in protein, fiber, manganese, phosphorus, and calcium. Plus, chia seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids...
Vitamin C has a rich and surprisingly controversial history. On the one hand, science is clear that the body needs it, but the type, dose, and frequency are all up for debate. What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is needed for many reactions...
Did you know that medical researchers have estimated that over seventy percent of the total world population is suffering from folate deficiency? This deficiency leads to other health problems that we are going to discuss in this article and why you need to get more...
What kinds of symptoms are associated with the MTHFR gene defects? There are many different symptoms someone with one or both gene mutations might encounter. Not everyone has the same set of symptoms because there are many other genetic and...